Ius Soli and Opus incertum in Oreste will back

Oreste will be back
Oreste will be back: five chapters compose a performance/installation mixing video, art, music, dance, theatre. By Kulturscio’k live art collective.
Since the beginning of my collaboration with Alessia Siniscalchi, I am almost never out of the stage space. In OWB I go in with a documentary based work, Ius Soli. Orestes’ creation by Alessia Siniscalchi includes a process of rewriting my work, in its materiality and in its meaning. Orestes also obeys the law of the earth (ius soli). In December 2020 I introduced two painted works from the Opus incertum series, the healing process: my journal painted directly on the wall. Printed on fabrics, those images act as a blanket / cloak / flag / liquid image. These works summarize, in their creation process and in their materials, other topics that emerge from Oreste’s research: salvation, care, change, creation. On the other hand, the documentary photography of the performance also becomes a performative act in the vibration of the creation that it is supposed to represent. It adds, once again, stratification and archeology to the matter of the scenic creation.
Paris, Nuit Blanche, October 2nd 2021
Napoli, Museo della moda, June 2021