Submit now! The book

Artist books

The ultimate marketing and PR guidebook for emerging artists offers tools, techniques and strategies for success. The book, screen printed in limited edition, aids artists to reach millions with their work.

Questa è una rovina. Fateci caso.


A site-specific installation based on an urban ruin, an old telephone booth pedestal. The work is an essay on the remains of a wired-based past in our public space, in a society of connectivity.

Dust of days: digital book

Photo books

A personal archive-based documentary series about Naples and youth from the hinterland at the time of the first Berlusconi political wave in Italy: 1996-2001

Prolegomena per un museo archeologico della Zona Rossa


A Ius Soli’s site-specific installation in independent O’ Vascio  Room Gallery, in Naples outskirts. The book documents the residency, performances, and public discussions from February 22nd to March 20th, 2020.

Définitions Méthodes + Archiver émerger


A body of works produced along four years of meticulous work of solve and coagula by the stage director Philip Boulay in the district of Sept Arpents, in Paris suburbs.

Chouf Chouf Chebab, pdf book

Photo books

Israel/Palestine fragments. Photography engages with places, people, people talking, people showing, landscapes marked by stories and history.

Please do not show my face

Photo books

Please do not show my face discusses the power of images, metaphoric border-crossing and the obsession with design and shapes. It explores the potential use of photography for narrative.