Call for entries
Call for entries. Enter our juried competition for digital art and photography.
Entrants submit three JPEG files of original work. All styles of artwork and photography where digital processes of any kind were integral to the creation of the images are acceptable. The competition is international, open to all geographical locations.
Registration fee is $
Multiple entries permitted, additional $ entry fee for each three images
The selected winner receives 10 prints up to 44×60 inches on canvas or museum quality paper (approximately a $ value) to be shown in a solo exhibition in our main gallery.
The exhibit will be widely promoted and will include a reception for the artist.
Second place prizes: Ten second place winners will receive one print of their work up to 24×36 inches ($ in value) to be included in the winners’ exhibits and opening.
Deadline for entries: Winners Announced: Exhibit Dates: Artist’s Reception: Registration fee is $ Online registration only. For questions email us No phone calls please.