Please do not show my face
Can we tell something with pictures? Can we archive a world that is not ours? Can we speak with dignity on behalf of someone else with pictures? Is there anything other than a formal obsession? It is always the others who play golf.
Le jeu du golf n’est pas plus indigne que la photographie. Le joueur de golf veut aussi cadrer une forme géométrique (le trou) et la cibler avec une balle. Parfois de très loin, parfois de très près. Peut-on raconter, avec les images, quelque chose? Pouvons-nous archiver un monde qui n’est pas le nôtre? Peut-on dignement parler au nom de quelqu’un d’autre avec des images? Y a-t-il autre chose qu’une obsession formelle? Ce sont toujours les autres qui jouent au golf.
Please do not show my face has been printed as a portfolio on Fabriano Accademia paper as well as a square back book in a limited edition of 20.

1. This is also Europe. New living districts, car parks, disused industrial sites.
2. It is all about thresholds and borders. People’s faces are thresholds. We trespass on borders.
3. Spaces.
4. I am obsessed by shapes. Why? Why should I see design in every thing?
5. Archaeology. Through the camps in Dunkerque and Calais.
People. Transitional shelters. Tracks, trails, footprints, mark.
6. Post photography: an obvious question arises, could the processing of low-key outdoor photographs be simplified and streamlined? An elegantly executed clarity adjustment, not only corrects the perceptual contrast issues, but can be used as a powerful agent to achieve an interesting and intriguing look, very often enhancing the overall drama of the image. Finally, Clarity combined can be used as a creative mean to turn a flat and dull image, into a dramatic fine art composition.